What Critics Are Saying About Caroyln’s Performance in
“A Man For All Seasons:”
“Ms. McCormick is magnetic — eloquent in her expressiveness even
when Alice utters not a word.'‘
- The New York Times
“A consistently bright spot is Carolyn McCormick, for my money one of the most under appreciated actresses in New York; if her take on Alice, More’s wife, is rather more glamorous than usual, she imbues her scenes with bursts of fire, revealing remarkable courage as the family’s fortunes decline precipitously. She and Countryman make something heartrending of More and Alice’s final encounter, just before his execution.”
- Lighting and Sound America
“As Moore’s well-off wife Alice in Act 1, Carolyn McCormick is wonderfully refined. She is quite at home in her "upstairs" world. Not surprisingly, she wants her husband to acquiesce to the kings’ wishes; she has the big—albeit temporal—picture in mind. As More’s not-so-well-off wife in Act 2, she is torn between her love for her husband and frustration at this stubbornness. McCormick’s Alice fights desperately for what control that she can have over her family's future—which really does not amount to much in Tudor England.